06a – The Little Mermaid Part 1



 Produced By


Jesse Johnson

Lee Witham

Princess King-Taylor

and Robert Torres


This podcast contains certain copyrighted works that were not specifically authorized to be used by the copyright holder(s), but which we believe in good faith are protected by federal law and the fair use doctrine (Section 107 of the Copyright Act).

If you have any specific concerns about this podcast or our position on the fair use defense, please contact us at so we can discuss amicably.  Thank you.


By: Andreas Tophøj & Rune Barslund

A Moment To Reflect” By Liam Bradbury

“The Last Dance” By: Reuben Ch’ng

By: Markando Folkemusik

The Hidden” By JM Scherf

Over The Ocean” By  idanyi

“” By: Tone Hulbækmo

“” By: Rosenberg Sjua


Recommended Reading

The Little Mermaid by: Hans Christian Andersen

by: Heidi Anne Heiner

The Legend of Mélusine by: Jean d’Arras

Undine by:  Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué

Show Notes

This painting, “The Mermaid” by John William Waterhouse, is one reason I believe Ariel from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” was given red hair, since Hans Christian Andersen never described the little mermaid’s hair color in his fairy tale.




Alexander, Skye. Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, & Lore. Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2012.

Andersen, H. C., and Lily Owens. The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales. New York: Avenel, 1981. Print.

Berk, Ari. The Secret History of Mermaids and Creatures of the Deep. 1st ed. Somerville: Candlewick, 2009

Heiner, Heidi Anne. Mermaid and Other Water Spirit Tales from around the World. Nashville: SurLaLune, 2011.



The Little Mermaid. Walt Disney Pictures, 1989.

Waking Sleeping Beauty. Stone Circle Pictures, 2003


World Wide Web

Creating Ariel – Stuff They Don’t Tell You – http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/disney-princess/articles/17204/title/creating-ariel-stuff-dont-tell

Sacred Texts – The Elements and Their Inhabitants – http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta25.htm

SurLaLune Fairy Tales: History of Little Mermaid – http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/littlemermaid/history.html

Undines, Water Spirits – Occultapedia – http://www.occultopedia.com/u/undines.htm

Wikipeida – Mermaid – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaid

Wikipedia – Mesuline – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melusine

Wikipedia -The Little Mermaid – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Mermaid

Wikipedia – Undine (Novella) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undine_(novella)


  1. Love your work. Big fan of all the actual context, and real history told with flare. Thanks for what you do.

  2. Lucyintheskynodiamonds says

    Absolutely beautiful music choices in this episode!
    Highly recommend Undine to everyone – it’s a beautiful work of literature, highly accessible. I read it when I was 8 or 9, and it has stayed with me since.

  3. Danielle Fontaine says

    My step-daughter and I love your podcast. She really liked this episode. I think Dad liked it, too. Thank you!

  4. Thank you so much for putting this episode up! It’s always such a treat when you release new episodes. Keep up the good work.

  5. I am a long time die hard fan of the Little Mermaid, I still own the original VHS with the mermaid, Mirena in it from the 80’s, and I learned a few things. I think I might reread the original story to my children this evening!

  6. Cynthia Medina says

    it really good

  7. Hans von Rostock, 5th Earl of Weselton says

    I think the reason Ariel has seven sisters when the original mermaid has six is because of the relevance of the number seven in mythology. Seventh son of a seventh son, seven deadly sins, seven with one blow… it goes on and on.


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