012 – Mickey’s Christmas Carol

Comparing and contrasting Disney’s 1983 Classic, “Mickey’s Christmas Carol”, with the story that inspired the film, “A Christmas Carol In Prose. Being A Ghost Story of Christmas” by Charles Dickens.


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 Produced By

Henna K

Kathleen Hale

Tracey Hansen

Tracey Motika


Vaughn M. Dennis



by Marc v/d Meulen

composed by Tim Beek

“” sung by the Bach Choir, 2007


sung by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 2006

Jane Austen Ball 2012

composed by Myuu


Patreon Patrons and Donors

Aaron  ♥   Alexander  ♥  Annie Lilley 

 Ariane Woods  ♥  Armond Nisbett ♥ Bruce Strong ♥ Cass Morris 

Celeste Weinstien  ♥  Crystal Xavier-Cohen  ♥  Dan Cooney 

Dann Todd  ♥  Doug Fiehwheg  ♥  Erin Audley 

Eduarda Severo  ♥  Jace 101  ♥  Jennifer Clickenbeard

Jennifer Jones  ♥  Jennifer Snyder ♥ Joseph Matthews  ♥  Josh Wells 

Kathleen Hale  ♥  Kathleen Kayembe  ♥  Kathrine 

Katie Melbourne  ♥  Kim Slusher  ♥  Kimberly Morrison  ♥  Kyle

Laura Snell  ♥  Leticia Valdez  ♥ Lisa Rutledge

Mark Montgomery  ♥  Matthew Nelson  ♥  Meghan Martin  

Michael Jacobs  ♥  Nicholas Barto  ♥  Patty McEfee 

Philip Joslin  ♥  Princess  ♥  Rachael Ward 

Renee Roub  ♥  Ronda Wilkes  ♥  Russell Dameron 

Ryan Luetzow  ♥  Sarah Garr  ♥  Scott Smith  ♥  

The Lord of Chaos  ♥  Tiffiany Vaisenen  ♥  Tracey Motika  

Trent Call  ♥  Vanessa Marrek  ♥  Vaughn M. Dennis ♥ Vlad

♥♥ Thank you all so much for your patronage. Without you, the show would have been over a long time ago. ♥♥ ~Paul 


Recommended Reading











Dickens, Charles, et al. The Annotated Christmas Carol: a Christmas Carol in Prose. W.W. Norton & Co., 2004.



Mattinson, Burny, director. Mickeys Christmas Carol. Walt Disney Educational Media, 1983.


World Wide Web

Agarwal, Prateek. “Malthusian Theory of Population.” Intelligent Economist, Intelligent Economist, 24 June 2019, www.intelligenteconomist.com/malthusian-theory/.

Bowyer, Jerry. “Malthus and Scrooge: How Charles Dickens Put Holly Branch Through The Heart Of The Worst Economics Ever.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 24 Dec. 2012, www.forbes.com/sites/jerrybowyer/2012/12/24/malthus-and-scrooge-how-charles-dickens-put-holly-branch-through-the-heart-of-the-worst-economics-ever/#6ab7f726672d.

Broich, John. “A Christmas Carol: The True History Behind the Dickens Story.” Time, Time, 13 Dec. 2016, time.com/4597964/history-charles-dickens-christmas-carol/.

“A CHRISTMAS CAROL.” The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens., www.gutenberg.org/files/19337/19337-h/19337-h.htm.

“A Christmas Carol.” Charles Dickens Info, 1 Dec. 2019, www.charlesdickensinfo.com/christmas-carol/.

“A Christmas Carol.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Dec. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Christmas_Carol.

DEI Creative in Seattle, WA. “’A Christmas Carol’: Sending the Poor to Prison.” Economic Opportunity Institute, www.opportunityinstitute.org/blog/post/a-christmas-carol-sending-the-poor-to-prison/.

“Evolution of SCROOGE MCDUCK Over 72 Years (1947-2019) Explained.” YouTube, YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYG1PowuMAQ.

History.com Editors. “History of Christmas.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 27 Oct. 2009, www.history.com/topics/christmas/history-of-christmas.

Korkis, Jim. “Mickey’s Christmas Carol.” MousePlanet, www.mouseplanet.com/11965/Mickeys_Christmas_Carol.

Lee, Dwight R., et al. “The Two Moralities of Ebenezer Scrooge.” Econlib, 3 June 2019, www.econlib.org/library/Columns/y2013/Leescrooge.html.

“Lessons Learned from A Christmas Carol.” Institute for Excellence in Writing, 17 Dec. 2018, iew.com/help-support/blog/lessons-learned-christmas-carol.

Marotta, David John. “Why Is Bob Cratchit So Poor?” Marotta On Money, 31 Jan. 2018, www.marottaonmoney.com/why-is-bob-cratchit-so-poor/.

“Mickey’s Christmas Carol.” Christmas Specials Wiki, christmas-specials.fandom.com/wiki/Mickey%27s_Christmas_Carol.

Mulligan, Hugh. “The Story Behind Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.” Read It Forward, 6 Nov. 2019, www.readitforward.com/excerpt/story-behind-charles-dickens-christmas-carol/.

Ness, Mari. “A Very Christmas Mickey: Mickey’s Christmas Carol and The Gift of the Magi.” Tor.com, 7 Jan. 2016, www.tor.com/2016/01/06/a-very-christmas-mickey-mickeys-christmas-carol-and-the-gift-of-the-magi/.

Oh My Disney. “The Many Character Cameos in Mickey’s Christmas Carol.” Oh My Disney, 15 Apr. 2016, ohmy.disney.com/movies/2013/12/07/the-many-character-cameos-in-mickeys-christmas-carol/.

“Scrooge McDuck.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Dec. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrooge_McDuck.

“Scrooge v. Ghost of Christmas Present on the Sabbath.” James’ Ramblings, 26 Dec. 2008, jamesbradfordpate.wordpress.com/2008/12/26/scrooge-v-ghost-of-christmas-present-on-the-sabbath/.

Sherrill, Matthew. “Ditching Dickensian.” The Paris Review, 4 Dec. 2018, www.theparisreview.org/blog/2014/04/30/ditching-dickensian/.

Study.com, Study.com, study.com/academy/lesson/jacob-marley-in-a-christmas-carol.html.

“Victorian Christmas – History of Christmas.” BBC, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/victorianchristmas/history.shtml.



  1. Hans von Rostock, 5th Earl of Weselton says

    Actually, Dickens got the name Scrooge from the gravestone of Ebenezer Scroggie, a relative of the economist Adam Smith. Scroggie’s gravestone described him as a “meal man”, but Dickens had poor eyesight and read it as “mean man”, and so Scrooge was born.

  2. Hans von Rostock says

    Also, yes, it’s still called Harrods.

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